Sunday, December 12, 2021

Turtle Deck

I started laying out the lines on the plexiglass for the turtle deck. I had attempted this over a year ago, got ahead of myself, and it didn't turn out so well. I learned a lot though and kept the piece to use as a reference. I approached it a little differently this time and was able to get the lines drawn keeping everything square. I cut the large piece of plexiglass down to a workable size. I was able to get two window pieces and door piece out of the same sheet.

Once I was sure the layout was correct I took the leap to bending the sides. I made a template for the cutouts previously and I debated about cutting before bending or after. I chose after because the template I made was off the bent piece. I figured I would have a harder time compensating for the bend, just easier to do it after the bend. It worked as planned.