Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Mocking up Brackets for the Intercooler

I began mocking up the brackets for the Intercooler today. I used foam board for the construction and hot melt glue to hold it all together. Steve Henry was very nice and sent me some drawings of how he did it. Starting with those, I was able to freestyle a bracket of my own. Here are the brackets taped in place. 

The flat rectangular front piece is a place holder representing the back of the Intercooler and will not be a part of the finished product. It also holds the brackets to the proper width to frame the gearbox. So, there are two brackets, a right and left side. The brackets will attach at the engine mount bolts on either side where you see the duct tape. The hole you see in the side of the bracket is a cutout for the tube exiting the Intercooler.

This pic shows that the brackets will hold the Intercooler square to the engine, in this case the front of the black gearbox. It also shows there is plenty of space between the gearbox and the rear of the Intercooler. The face of the Intercooler will sit just behind the prop spinner and a little lower, filling the gap as seen in this pic.