I'm almost finished with the bed lining of parts. I have to add a second coat to a couple pieces and I'm still working on fabricating the two side seat panels. Those panels will need to be primed and bed lined also so I'm going to wait until they're ready for bed liner to do them all at once.
Anyway, I put the floorboards in with the tunnels attached (loosely) for a test fit. One of the pieces that needs another coat is the access door on the rear bulkhead, that is why it's not mounted.
I also test fit the under seat storage pans. Notice the headset jack access in the outside corner of each pan. I installed both styles of jacks, the black one is the Bose LEMO jack with power, and the other two are the regular aviation headset jacks. Although I have Bose headsets and will use the LEMO jack, I thought it prudent to build in the other jacks just in case.
The fuel selector plate.
...with locking mechanism for the tail wheel and the fuel selector valve installed.
Finally, here are the seats.
Overall I am very pleased with the outcome. A lot of work to get here but I think it looks really nice and should be a snap to keep clean. Back to work...