Friday, October 23, 2020

Covering - Ailerons

Started working on the ailerons today. Same process as the flaps, just smaller. Cut the fabric and lay out the glue lines.

I did both tops at the same time.
Same strategy, tops first to put the seam on the top so the wing will hide it.

Trimmed the slots.
Tops done.
Starting the bottoms...
Gluing the fabric

Tried to fold the upper part over the side without success. Had to pull it off which left some glue issues. I ended up sanding most of the glue flat and re applied it. Folded the bottom up without issue.

Reinforcing tapes applied and holes burned for rivets.

Finish tapes applied.
Bottom finish tapes.
Top done.
Sea plane grommets installed.

Flaps and ailerons ready to install. It's an optical illusion, both flaps are the same size, one is further back than the other. Both ailerons are there to...