Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Unfortunately I had a mishap this week. Everyday, I have to jockey the plane around in the shop so I can park the F450 in it at night. Every morning, I open up the shop and move the truck out so I can work on the plane. I have to unstack rolling carts etc., out of the way then roll the fuselage from its spot out into the bay. While doing this dance Wednesday morning, I had to make sure the rear of the fuselage was not going to contact the wings at the back of the shop. I grabbed the rear fuselage rotisserie and began pulling it out when the front rotisserie got hung up on some debris on the floor and before I realized it, it collapsed. The T leg punched through the fabric on the bottom of the plane underneath the pilot seat. Well, as they say, it could always be worse. So, I now have to patch the bottom.

If there is a silver lining it would be that I went with Oratex instead of Polyfiber. The Oratex is really tough stuff and had this been Polyfiber it would have ripped until it hit steel making a much bigger hole and consequently a more difficult patch. Also, I would have had to paint Polyfiber which means I would not only have to patch it, but repaint it. So, this is another reason to go with Oratex. I'll post pics of the repair when complete...