Saturday, September 12, 2020

Door Trim

I received the door post pieces back from powder coating yesterday. I wanted to get the inner pieces installed today so I can permanently mount the instrument panel. I fitted the pieces using the #40 clecos and match drilled them to the larger #30 size. These pieces will be riveted in place and I'll secure them even more by Hysol'ing them to the frame since the instrument panel mounts directly to them.

I had to prep the frame and the inside of the pieces by scuffing them to accept the Hysol. Once scuffed, I wiped everything down with Acetone. I mixed up some Hysol and laid a nice bead of it on the inside of each piece. Then I riveted each piece to the frame. I was able to get a good bead of Hysol spanning the piece to the frame on each side. The outer pieces, when in place will cover all traces of the Hysol and will finish off the door jamb nicely. I left them to cure for several hours.

The next task is to install the instrument panel.