Sunday, September 27, 2020

Pitot and AOA Air Line Install

 The Garmin Heated/Regulated pitot static system requires two air lines to be installed. One for the pitot static system and the other for the Angle of Attack indicator. I installed those lines today. I had been thinking about this for some time, a way to mount the air lines where they wouldn't conflict with anything else I've mounted in the wing. I saved a picture from my surfing the internet showing this method, this is not my idea but I liked it and made it my own. Sorry, I can't give credit to the individual that I borrowed it from, if you are seeing this let me know and I'll give your credit.

Anyway, it required drilling about 24 holes, inserting protective plastic bushings, and routing the air lines. I made a small template out of scrap aluminum and drilled holes in it, this allowed me to position the holes in relatively the same position on each rib. The chosen path takes the lines over the top of the front of the gas tank when it's installed. The lines will route out to the rear of the wing once they clear the front of the gas tank. These pics are of the bottom of the wing. The YELLOW line is for static air and the BLUE line is for the AOA.

Fuel Tank Bay.
The Pitot Static Port is not installed at this time, it will be after covering.