Sunday, May 17, 2020

Covering - Bottom of Fuselage

Here is a shot of the fuselage on the rotisserie before starting to cover the bottom.
I had my friend Terry Johnstone (Kitfox builder) come over to help me with the covering. I had helped Terry cover his Kitfox back in October/November so he was returning the favor. Another new friend Paul Hinshaw and his wife (also building a Kitfox) came over to watch the process and learn about Oratex fabric. They are trying to decide if Oratex is for them.

Unfortunately, I forgot to turn the GoPro on to film the covering process. :( I realized my mistake after we got the bottom tacked on. I turned it on and filmed the trimming and finishing of the edges. So, here is a time lapse video of that process. I'll remember to turn it on when we do the sides.
I let the glue set up over night and did a final shrink on the fabric this morning. Here are a few photos of the finished product.
On to the sides...