Saturday, June 1, 2019

Auto Pilot Roll Servo Continued

I received my bracket material from Aircraft Spruce to mount the servo. I measured and cut the bracket to length. Using the Garmin servo bracket that came with the servo (I am not using this bracket), I placed them back to back so I could mark the holes for the bolts to mount the servo to the angle bracket. Once marked, I took the bracket to the drill press and drilled the holes.

Next, I removed the plate from the wing and set the angle bracket on it to find the best alignment to the previously drilled holes (in the plate). I also wanted to determine the best placement for the bracket so the servo push rod would not bind.

Once the best placement was determined, I clamped the bracket to the plate and began drilling through holes into the bracket using the pre-drilled holes in the plate as guides. I cleco'd as I went along. Once all the existing holes were match drilled, I used a rivet fan to layout the remaining holes to be drilled. I then drilled all those holes.

After cleaning up and deburring all the holes in all the pieces, I mixed up some Hysol to bond the bracket to the plate. I gooped the Hysol onto the angle bracket and set it in place on the plate. I used a couple of cleco's to align the bracket to the plate and began riveting the holes that would be in the lightening hole on the rib. Of course, I wanted the plate to fit flush with the rib and took care to only install the rivets that would not interfere with the rib to plate fit. Once this was done I mounted the plate/bracket assembly into the wing. I debated about using Hysol for this joint and decided against it in case I ever have to remove the assembly from the wing. Besides, there are numerous rivets holding the assembly to the rib. Plenty strong.

I started riveting the assembly to the rib working back and forth across the plate to distribute the loads as I went. I got all the rivets installed. With the bracket assembly mounted in the wing, I set about installing the servo. The bolts were easy to get in place but the washer and nuts were another matter. Eventually, I got them installed and torqued.

The only potential problem I can see at this point in the install is the wiring connection. It doesn't appear I'll have enough room to mount a straight plug on the servo, I hope there is a 90 plug for this application.