I was on a roll with the lights and switches so I decided to figure out where the headset jacks and USB ports needed to go. I got my Bose A20 headset out to see where the cords were going to go. The headset has a controller wired into it to that needed to be taken into consideration also. Initially, it was my desire to mount the jacks behind me. I dislike the jacks being in the panel as the cords are always in the way. However, there was no convenient place behind me to mount them. I was also running into a problem of where to mount the controller so it would be out of the way. After playing with it for quite some time I finally came up with the solution.
I have under-seat storage boxes that I made that were out of the plane for now. In looking at the structure of the plane around the seats it dawned on me. I can mount the jacks in the seat trays or actually, on the side . I set about cutting up and fitting a piece of .040 aluminum to wedge into a part of the structure providing a place to mount the jacks. Once I got the LEMO plug installed I drilled for the regular jacks. The LEMO plug will be my go to jack for the Bose because it provides ship's power to the headset ANR so I don't have to run on battery. I figured why not install the regular jacks just in case my headset fails or somebody wants to wear a regular plugged headset.
I haven't hard mounted it yet, want to check with my Avionics guy first. Besides it will be easier for him to wire it on the bench...
The beauty of this location is the extra cord will sit in the seat tray out of the way. Another benefit is that I can mount the clip for the controller right next to the seat, very convenient and out of the way.
Next up, a good place for the USB ports. The panel is always a choice and I may have one mounted there also, but I wanted a convenient location that would minimize dangling wires. I found it right in front of the Bose controller on the side of the seat. Now I can charge a phone/IPAD/etc. while flying by placing it under the seat in the tray without any rogue wiring dangling in the cockpit.