Started working on the doors today. I pulled all the necessary parts from the bin along with the 1/2" ID aluminum tubing. I taped the angles in the appropriate positions on the door frame and measured each length required to join the pieces. I started in one position and worked my way around the door frame until I had all the pieces cut to length. A couple of the angles had to be messaged a bit to fit the frame correctly. Once I had all the pieces cut out for one door, I used them as templates to cut the pieces for the other door.
I used discarded seat track delrin material cut into 2" pieces as spacers all around the door frame. I taped them in place to give me a consistent 1/8" spacing for the door frame
After tinkering with all the pieces to get the best fit while making sure everything lined up, I taped the door to the frame. I made sure it was taped well so there wouldn't be any movement. I then began drilling and clecoing. Once finished, removed it from the frame.
Passenger Door Cleco'd |
Next, I'll Hysol and rivet all the pieces together. Then
I'll Superfill the junctions to blend them in and smooth everything out. Then on to the other door.