Thursday, March 10, 2022


More progress has been made on the cowling. I was able to cut out the bottom and fit the new piece that goes around the radiator. A couple of days of on/off work on it. It is now finished waiting to put the last piece on to form the scoop. It has a couple of layers of fiberglass on the inside and the outside seam has been filled/sanded.

I also cut out the opening for the Inter cooler. I realized that the inter cooler sits to far forward and those brackets will need to be re-made. This makes for a really tight fit and is too problematic for easily removing the cowling. Once that is done, I will be able to "frame" the inter cooler with fiberglass for a tighter/better fit..

The belly piece was intentionally off set to the right side because the radiator is off set to accommodate the exhaust on the left side. Once the scoop is in place I don't think it will be readily apparent.