Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Boot Cowl Part Deux

I wasn't happy with the fit of the boot cowl as I had it. I was trying to make it fit the lock plates that were previously installed when I mounted the Lexan windshield. The extra thickness of the Acrylic wasn't helping either. So, after a lot of back and forth, I decided to start over. Fortunately, I hadn't trimmed too much off the boot cowl already and was able to salvage it.

First thing was to refit the boot cowl to the windshield and figure where it needed to be for the best fit. Once I determined that I set about re-drilling the boot cowl. I used the the original three holes in the center of the boot cowl. Drill and cleco, repeat. I had to drill all the way through the Acrylic and the former. I changed the location of the outer holes in an effort to move them out of the transition area (where the angle of the boot cowl changes from the down slope of the windshield to the more level slope towards the nose). I wanted them in the more flat down slope area which I was able to do. Then of course, the sides had to be re-drilled as well.

Again, I was fortunate that the sides, although moved up a bit, had just enough left on the bottom to be perfect. I ended up trimming the top of the sides down a bit. It was a 10 hour job but I got it finished, or at least 99% done. I drilled out all the original lock plates and rivets and then filled them with Superfill. I have the sanding or the Superfill and repainting of the former to be finished.

This was a really messy job that I really didn't want to do with all my avionics/engine installed. But it had to be done. I draped plastic over the engine and as best I could over the panel avionics.

The green tape was kind of a layout line just to give me some idea where I was putting the new holes.

All new holes with clecos. Before trimming on the windshield side of the boot cowl.

After trimming the windshield side of the boot cowl. I trimmed it back to the former on the underside, now they are mirror images.

More trimming on the sides.

A pic of the former from the inside, the old lock plates with the new holes with clecos and rivet washers toward the edge of the former.

New lock plates installed.

New lock plates installed, old ones removed.

Superfill time!

I had some Superfill left so I decided to filled the new flush rivet heads while I was at it.


Not a great pic but another detail I had to deal with was the black tab behind the plastic, it's on both sides. It is part of the door frame and was really not needed. So, I cut it flush with the back of the panel. you can see it in the pics below. I also had to cut off the top of the black piece in the foreground with the silver stripe, it stuck up too high.

Both pieces after trimming, filing and sanding. I'll touch up the paint later. I'll be off for a few days and will get back to it soon and then on to the upper/lower cowling.