Friday, December 4, 2020

Covering, Left Wing

I finished tidying up the left wing today by installing the Garmin GAP26 AOA/Pitot tube. I had to connect all the wires and the AOA/Pitot air tubes. I had previously routed the air lines through the wing and needed to reverse them to match up with the GAP26 unit. The AOA line is blue and the pitot line is yellow. New zip ties were needed along with more Rescue Tape. I had to make a standoff for the aluminum tubes so they wouldn't make contact. I used a bit of rubber fuel tubing and a zip tie to lock them together. The Rescue Tape was used to bind the wiring together and provide a cushion underneath the rubber fuel tubing, then a grip lock tie around all of it to secure it to the wing brace. Not the most elegant but secure.

Once I got everything secured it was time for fabric. Yesterday, I laid the fabric out and cut the hole for the GAP26. I was able to slide the fabric over the pitot tube and down onto the wing without issue. The pitot is unsecured in these photos, no mounting screws. That's the reason it looks to be at an odd angle. I needed to get the fabric down and then I could burn the screw holes and install them.

It turned out really well and allowed me to tack the fabric around the pitot tube area first and work out from there in opposite directions. I slowly worked my way around the perimeter of the wing until it was completely tacked down. Then I used the iron to take out any wrinkles and shrink the fabric in the sheet metal areas.

Once I had it all tacked down, I burned the mounting holes for the pitot tube and installed the screws. It looks pretty good. I'll probably use a very small bead of silicone around the edge to seal it when I'm all done.

I'll finish up with the fabric tomorrow and will final shrink the entire wing on Sunday.