Sunday, June 28, 2020

More Panel Work

After removing all of the electronic components from the panel, I measured and trimmed the flanges on the sides today. After trimming, I reinstalled a G3X unit to verify there was enough room for it. It fit perfectly, just where I had planned it to go. I installed several other parts to confirm fit. I did have two issues. First, the 12v socket on the right side of the panel made contact with the truss bar not allowing it to be fully installed. It will require me to trim the plug housing on the back which will mean I can't use the intended plug and instead will just use spade connectors. No biggie. The other tight fit was the ELT panel. It just required a little filing to get it to clear properly. All the rest of the components fit just fine.

After confirming that everything fit correctly and adjusting the panel to be level, I installed a spacer under the center stack to raise it up a 1/4" (used some seat track nylon material zip tied to the truss). I then measured and drilled the sides with a #40 drill bit and cleco'd the panel in its final position. I have to wait on an order of hardware before I can finish the installation. I'm happy with the install so far.
I also began the process of mounting my throttle quadant in the center of the bottom of the panel. Got the holes drilled into the bracket and will match drill them tomorrow in the panel itself.